Calendar of Quality Commission
Holding informative meeting with Academic Units Quality Commissions and Administrative Units Quality Commissions
Requesting and compiling information and documents from all academic and administrative units related to the fall semester required for the Institutional Self-Evaluation Report (ISER)
Starting writing of ISER
Analyzing the information received from academic and administrative units for ISER on a yearly basis, grading the maturity level of the sub-criteria and evaluating the measurement results of institutional performance indicators
Holding a final evaluation meeting with the participation of all members in the ISER writing process
Completing the writing of ISER and performing final evaluation with the participation of all members
Discussion and approval of ISER in the Senate
Submitting ISER to Higher Education Quality Council of Turkey (THEQC) and sharing it on the University website
Requesting reports on student feedback obtained as a result of the face-to-face meetings of academic unit heads with students in the middle of the spring semester of the relevant academic year
Preparing the Quality Commission Student Feedback Report on an academic year basis, submitting it to the Rectorate and sharing it on the University website
Reviewing the spring semester student feedback reports of the relevant academic year prepared by the academic units, determining the priority requests, and requesting information from the relevant units about the improvement studies
Requesting information and documents regarding the spring semester for ISER from all academic and administrative units
Following up the improvement and development studies recommended in the previous year's ISER
Reviewing the yearly activity plan and calendar of the Quality Commission
Preparing the form to be filled by the departments for student feedback
Compiling information and documents collected for ISER regarding the spring semester
Requesting reports on student feedback obtained as a result of the face-to-face meetings of academic unit heads with students in the middle of the fall semester of the relevant academic year
Reviewing the current version of the ISER preparation guide created by THEQC, discussing from which units the information and documents in the sub-criteria should be obtained, and making a distribution of tasks regarding the ISER preparation process
'YOKAK' Pride for Izmir University of Economics
Izmir University of Economics (IUE) was awarded 'institutional accreditation' as a result of the evaluation conducted by the Higher Education ...
KIDR Training for Administrative Staff of Izmir University of Economics
Administrative units of our university were trained on the "Quality process and the writing of the Internal Evaluation Report and ...
IUE receives ‘Institutional Accreditation’ from THEQC
Izmir University of Economics (IUE) has been awarded the 'institutional accreditation' by the Turkish Higher Education Quality Council (THEQC). Having ...
Izmir University of Economics (IUE), Faculty of Engineering and Computer Sciences, Department of Software Engineering has been accredited by the ...