About Bologna Coordination Commission (BCC)
It was established in 2008 in order to carry out the educational activities in the University in a coordinated manner. The Bologna Coordination Commission (BCC) prepares the learning outcomes for the associate, undergraduate, graduate and doctorate levels of the teaching programs carried out at the University in accordance with the "Qualifications Framework for European Higher Education Area (QF-EHEA)" and "National Qualifications Framework (NQF) in Turkey", and re-determines the workload-based ECTS of the courses in the curriculum.
- New course proposals,
- Course information change (Its name, code, ECTS, IUE credit, prerequisite information),
- Syllabus changes (course objective, learning outcomes, workload, and course hours),
- Diploma Supplement information
are put on the agenda of the Senate after being reviewed by BEK.
"Academic Unit Bologna Coordination Commissions" were established in accordance with the Senate decision dated 6 January 2021 and numbered 421/A5 to ensure that all these studies are carried out with a more inclusive understanding. These Commissions consist of Vice Dean / Vice Director, University BEK member of the relevant unit, and 5 members the most elected by the Dean/Director (maximum 3 people). Vice Dean / Vice Director is the Chair of the Commission.
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